Joe throws the shot put.
Another track team member's birthday...Mia is 16 (and adored by all boys she's ever met, I think)
Joe gives Kona a cuddle before his next round at the shot put.
Another toss...
Sergi after a long day at school and then the track meet...totally zonked.
Sergi at the track meet with Kona (a real chick magnet) which isn't lost on the middle school boys in my house...Tim, Joe or Sergi.
Joe watching his teammates.
Joe takes a shot at the long jump...
Another jump for Joe...
Tim with his little chick magnet...
Wendesday, May 14th, was the last local track meet of the season. It was the SI Stevne 1 meet in Sandnes at the Sandnes Idrettspark. It was a lot of fun and Joe participated in two field events - the long jump and the shot put.
The JV and Varsity track members will be running the primary school track meet today but their next track meet will be at the end of next week at the NECIS invitational in Sigtuna, Sweden. Joe will be running the 4X400 relay, 1500, and doing the high jump and shot put. He should have a great time!
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