Rich, Cyndi and Lily Messina....watching the last parade of the day in Sola.

Bet you don't see something like this in a parade in the U.S.! :o)

Okay, so I am biased for TaeKwon-Do. This is not my klubb but I thought it was impressive nonetheless.

I thought this was quite clever. You won't lose a kid in this group!

This couple stood out in the sea of navy blue and black bunads that were seen in Sola.

Randi and Ole waiting for the parade to get underway.

Lily and Elena (not sure how to spell her name). I believe she is the great niece of Randi and Tørres, our neighbors. She was pretty little last year. I have pictures of her and Lily together last year. They played again this year. Elena brought her baby brother with her this time. Elena kept calling Lily "Lilla" which means purple. (either that or "lille" which means "little") Either one made everyone giggle. Elena jabbered away to Lily in Norsk while Lily jabbered away to Elena in English. They both enjoy Askepott (Cinderella) and had balloons with Askepott on them. Lily has actually only seen the movie Cinderella a couple of times, and it was at the gym here and it was in Norwegian. So she sees Cinderella and says "It's Askepott!" :o)

Look at all the beautiful bunads! Randi and Ole are saying hello to friends before the parade starts. You can tell where someone is from by looking at their bunad. The color, designs, etc, are specific to different regions of the country.

Seeing double...how cute are they?

And seeing double again...also, how cute???!!!

Even the babies are dressed in bunads of sorts. Many of them have hand-knitted bunads.

Lily, getting patriotic with her Norwegian flag, at the folketog in Sola (this is the afternoon parade - where the various clubs and organizations march).

Alex, our 13 year old exchange student from Barcelona, Spain, watching his 3rd parade of the day. He mentioned that they don't have parades like this in Spain and he had no idea when his national day was.

Lily, at the very base of our driveway, watching the parade go by.

Nothing runs like a Deere....

What's a parade in Sola without a tractor or two?

Our neighbor, Randi, with her son, Ole. They marched in the parade with Ole's school.

A distinguished gentleman watching the barnetoget in his national dress.

This is some of the beautiful embroidery that is handdone on the bunads. Many of them are done by the parents and grandparents to be handed down.

The children of Sola Kommune marching down Sandetunvegen.

The kids sang folk songs to the guitar as they marched.

A beautiful little girl in her bunad.

All the neighbors come out to watch the children walking past.
Here's some wonderful pictures from our "hometown" of Sola, Norway. I love this town!